Friday, January 22, 2010

Credit Card Plans Have Any Tips Or Tricks For Setting Up Payment Plans With Credit Card Companies? Specifically Citi Cards?

Have any tips or tricks for setting up payment plans with credit card companies? Specifically Citi Cards? - credit card plans

I was wondering if anyone has any tips and tricks for setting up payment plans with corporate credit card?

I have heard that if you propose to cancel the card before you pay a fixed interest rate is too low for you. Have you heard? Learn the tricks of other similar? To speak? Any advice would be appreciated.



sunshine said...

There are tricks but a way to save a portion of your credit card. Each of these maneuvers may cause damage to your credit score, unless done with total assets of nearly zero. In other words, if you carry debt 1000 card can not call to cancel and threaten. But there is no balance, request a lower and if he refuses, threaten to go elsewhere to get the lowest price. Mine fell to 9%

sunshine said...

There are tricks but a way to save a portion of your credit card. Each of these maneuvers may cause damage to your credit score, unless done with total assets of nearly zero. In other words, if you carry debt 1000 card can not call to cancel and threaten. But there is no balance, request a lower and if he refuses, threaten to go elsewhere to get the lowest price. Mine fell to 9%

sunshine said...

There are tricks but a way to save a portion of your credit card. Each of these maneuvers may cause damage to your credit score, unless done with total assets of nearly zero. In other words, if you carry debt 1000 card can not call to cancel and threaten. But there is no balance, request a lower and if he refuses, threaten to go elsewhere to get the lowest price. Mine fell to 9%

sunshine said...

There are tricks but a way to save a portion of your credit card. Each of these maneuvers may cause damage to your credit score, unless done with total assets of nearly zero. In other words, if you carry debt 1000 card can not call to cancel and threaten. But there is no balance, request a lower and if he refuses, threaten to go elsewhere to get the lowest price. Mine fell to 9%

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