Does Shingles have anything to do with herpes since its also called herpes zoster virus? - ..what is herpes zoster
I saw online shingle is also known as herpes zoster. Does that mean it has nothing to do with herpes?
Does Shingles have anything to do with herpes since its also called herpes zoster virus? - ..what is herpes zoster
I saw online shingle is also known as herpes zoster. Does that mean it has nothing to do with herpes?
All of this is the family of herpes viruses. Herpes labialis and herpes simplex type 1 and 2, varicella-zoster is herpes. Shingles is a reactivation of the virus shingles years later. Herpes viruses have affinity (inactive) in neural tissue and from the roots.
I do not think I've heard that a form of varicella zoster
It is a herpes virus, but the basic shape is the same as chicken pox, are only one adult. This does not mean that you herpes
Shingles has nothing to do with herpes. In fact, is triggered by the same virus that causes chickenpox. What happens is that the virus resides in your system until you have an alarm clock. When most people twice chicken pox, shingles can be easily obtained for the same reason.
Wow ... It's amazing what you remember, the anatomy and physiology!
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